Thursday, October 24, 2013

Posted by jinson on 10/24/2013 01:01:00 PM 1 comment

slight information about the product
packagingnya yang ada di gw kebetulan sachet. sebenernya bentuknya botol dengan ukuran 100 ml sama 200 ml. conditioner dan shampoo terpisah. warnanya ijo muda seger. PreGroe ini salah satu line product dari Derm Pharma, Inc. (DPI), familiar? iya Derm Pharma, Inc. (DPI) ini juga induk dari Gluta Advanced White & Firm,Gluta Exfoliant White & Firm, ReGroe, PreGroe, Dermplus, Skintel, dan Nuderm Supreme. Company punya line product yang paling beragam dibanding yang pernah gw review disini.Gluta Advanced dan Gluta Exfoliant gw udah coba, sekarang review PreGroe dan next, gw penasaran sama Skintel & NuDerm. Skintel lebih general dan NuDerm lebih profesional looking.
 official website ::

product claims
Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Shampoo
Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Shampoo is specifically designed to make strands stronger and longer while making it healthier, thicker and fuller. Its active ingredients make it recommended for those with limp and thinning hair, it also averts hair loss problem by stimulating the growth of hair follicles and impeding dandruff from appearing on the scalp.

Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Conditioner 
Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Conditioner contains a natural blend of extracts and vitamins formulated to NOURISH (leaves balanced moisture to hair & scalp), THICKEN (boosts maximum body & fullness), FORTIFY (prevents drying & brittleness) and PROTECT (covers from sun damage).


baru liat ada citric acid di shampoo~

Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Conditioner
- Available in 200ml, 9ml sachet

Pregroe 4-in-One Thickening Shampoo
- Available in 250ml, 120ml, 9ml sachet

NY's thought ...
kondisi rambut gw : diwarnai, kering, ga bercabang, mudah berminyak di akar, sering cuci rambut setiap hari jadi kalo lebih dari dua hari pasti udah ga enak rambutnya, kalo lama ga keramas rontok banyak pas cuci rambut, cenderung megar ya karena gw suka rambut dengan volum.
sachet isinya dua kali sachet sini, banyak. Rambut gw cuma sebahu dan itu kayanya bisa pake cuma setengahnya aja. cuma kalo untuk condie, gw malah pake condie tambahan setalah pake condie pregroe. kurang menghaluskan, karena rambut gw kering banget.

shampoo Pregroe warnanya pearly white. di gambar bawah itu yang atas. condie PreGroe  matte white, ga terlalu thick.  di gambar bawah itu yang di posisi bawah.

pas keramas, shampoo busanya ngumpul. semacem bikin rambut nyatu di satu tempat. biasanya kalo kaya gini, di shampoonya sendiri tuh banyak kandungan conditionernya. anehnya, tapi pas dibilas gampang. kirakira setara sama dibilas 2 gayung air, langsung  bersih busabusanya. biasanya kalo sampo yg banyak condienya kaya gitu, susah dibilas dan licin, kaya bilasnya ga bener. udah dibilasnya rambut keset, tpi g kering kaya pake natur atau sampo herbal lain. kesetnya kaya kalo cuci rambut pake sabun atau pake baby shampoo. ga jabrik, ga megar.

condie kurang banyak buat rambut kering gw. keliatan sih dari penampakannya juga, soalnya g creamie. waktu pake kaya langsung menyerap ke rambut meskipun ga didiemin dulu. karena pas dibilas juga ga ada buihbuih kaya condie lain. air bilasannya tetap jernih, kaya ga habis bilas condie.

gw ga pernah blow dry rambut,. gw biarin kering alami. habis pake pregroe pas kering rambut jatuh, ga ngembang. pas masih basah disisir gampang, jatuhnya kaya tirai. rapih dan merata ngumpulnya. udah kering ga megar, kalo rambut dry kan biasanya suka megar ga jelas. pake ini rambut keliatan jatuh, rambut agak kering tapi jadi nurut gmpang diatur. kering tapi ga tebangterbang. ngumpul. ga ngembang tapi ngasih volume. shinny kurang. kalo gw pribadi lebih suka sama shampoo yg bikin megar. haha =D

perlu tambahan condie lain mengingat si condie pregroe kurang melembabkan, atau pake condie pregroe yg banyak. enak soalnya sebnernya, ga bikin jerawat punggung sama jerawat kuping. tau kan ada beberapa shampoo atau condie yg bisa bikin reaksi kaya gitu di kulit? apalagi kalo shampoonya punya fungsi regrowth. pregroe ini, kalo pake shampoonya doang pasti kalo kering agak kaku, meskipun jatuh dan ga menggumpal. mungkin kalo rambutnya jenis normal g masalah ga pake condienya udah lumayan menghaluskan, tapi karena gw kering, condie itu wajib.

setelah dua kali pemakaian, dan disisir pas basah. rambut rontok cuma beberapa helai. padahal biasanya kalo g keramas lama bejibun rontoknya. pas kering malah gada yg rontok sama sekali.

setelah keramas, lama rambut sampai berminyak, ga jelas berapalamanya. gw keramas 3,5 hari kemudian ranbut masih bagus. biasanya 1,5 hari aja udah berminyak.  soalnya gw kebiasaan cuci rambut tiap hari.

setelah keramas, lama rambut sampe gatel, 3,5 hari baru gatel. biasanya gw habis keringatan ditambah kena panas pasti langsung gatel.
setelah tiga kali pemakaian, kali ini gw jarakin sampe selama mungkin sampe gw ga tahan pengen cuci rambut. which is today! gw belum cuci rambut dari hari minggu! haha jorok ya? well mungkin, tapi tau ga? rambut gw masih dalam kondisi baikbaik saja, ga gatel, ga oily, dan masih dalam volum yang baik, belom lepek. =D minggu ini ga keringetan dan g sering kena panas sih, jadi wajar aja ga gatel kulit kepala. tapi ini gw amaze banget parah, shampoo macem apa ini gw hampir seminggu ga cuci rambut tapi rambut masih normal dan teratur?

jenis rambut gw, kering tapi ga damaged ga bercabang. sedikit rontok kalo salah pake shampoo. dan diwarnai. ga di curly atau smoothing.

not itchy at all. even after five weeks without shampooing. my hair feels light and not become oily even after 5 days. fyi, i am a daily hair-washer. so after a day, i always feel my scalp itchy and a bit oily after two days. i cant stand the itch, so i wash my hair daily. i dont have a dandruff. my hair type is dry, but no split end. i dyed my hair, but its not damaged. my hair rather sensitive, if the shampoo is not suitable for my hair, usually it started to itchy after two times of using the shampoo, and immediately started to fall after shampooing.  PreGroe even manage to prevent my hair fall while combing it wet.

however, the conditioner is not too moisturizing. i need two sachets for my entire shoulder lenght hair. a sachet is enough, but since i have a dry hair, i need more conditioner to tame my hair.
u should used your conditioner after washing your hair. i dont know why, but when i was washing my hair the shampoo feel so much moisturixing, creamy, and rich. After i rinsed it, my hair suddenly feels hmm coarse, like the feeling when u wash your hair with baby shampoo or with a soap. not exactly dry, but certainly not smooth at all.
the shampoo is kinda taming your flying hair. make your hair loose and light. giving you a bit volume. since i am a fan of hair with a lot of volume, a bit dissapointed in this aspect. several of you might like it, its taming your hair, but not for me.
 under 100K for small size. detail, PM to
Baterflai Tat []
actually i love the shampoo so much, but not the condie. because of my hair is too dry and has dyed on it, i need more moisturizing condie. the shampoo is excellent tough. not itchy and prevent my dyed hair from oily on the root. one who has a dyed hair tent to have an oily root faster than normal. i figure out that after 5 days, my scalp still not itchy and my root still not oily, and my hair still in a good volume while if i using my fave shampoo, it starts to itch after 2 days and oily after 2-3 days.

1 feed backs:

  1. My brother is using the shampoo and he said it works well on his hair. I want to try the conditioner :)
    ~Pauline @Kallony
